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About Lisa Muñoz

Themes in my stories

I've been writing stories since I was little and got serious when I was 19. Since then, my passion for both creative writing and music has only grown stronger.


I've attended many writing retreats and workshops hosted by Scottish writers Jason Donald and Janice Galloway. I currently work as a pet sitter in my hometown of Geneva. In my spare time, I like to play the guitar, do yoga, go out with friends and play with my cat, Inky. 

First and foremost, I always think of my characters as people. Some of them are on the lighter side, other more on the dark side, but all are shades of grey. Just as human beings are.


But they are all deserving of love. Or at least understanding as to where they come from. And while diversity in books and other forms of media are important to me, I don't like to go too overboard with preachy messages. 


Violence, sexism, LGBT issues, as well as female empowerment and worship of false idols (parasocial or close friendships) make frequent appearances in my books. These are all issues that have affected me personally and are things I want to see in novels. 



My latest projects

Cover by Muhammad Kaleem
@rock_0407 artist on Fiverr

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